Hoover Institution: George P. Schultz: ‘Issues On My Mind: Strategies For The Future’

Hoover Institution_ Issues on My Mind_ Strategies for the Future, by George P_ ShultzSource:Hoover Institution letting George P. Schultz talk about his book.

“This volume is a unique record of decades of national and international service and a worthy guide for the era now unfolding.” ~ Henry A Kissinger

Former Nixon and Reagan cabinet member George Shultz offers his views on how to govern more effectively, get our economy back on track, take advantage of new opportunities in the energy field, combat the use of addictive drugs, apply a strategic overview to diplomacy, and identify necessary steps to achieve a world without nuclear weapons. If we can successfully handle each of these issues, Shultz explains, we in the United States and people in the rest of the world will have the prospect of a better future.”

From the Hoover Institution

Seems to me that Secretary George Schultz is calling for a return to old says. (So to speak) That government should get back to doing things the way they use to be done by calling for. Regular order in Congress, (to use as an example) that American government use to work better because, it was governed better and differently.

To talk about Reaganomics that Secretary Shultz talked about: it was Ronald Reagan’s future Vice President George H.W. Bush, who coined Reaganomics as Voodoo Economics. Mr. Bush when he was running for President in 1979-80, called then Governor Reagan’s economic plan Voodoo Economics, because it was about cutting taxes and putting a lot of money down in tax cuts, in hoping that money would generate enough economic growth and pay for those tax cuts later on all by themselves.

Senator Lloyd Bentsen when he was running for Vice President in 1988, for Governor Michael Dukakis, also had a great quote about Reaganomics. He said when you write hot checks, (meaning checks with money that you don’t have) you can create a lot of revenue for yourself, until you get caught. We were running 200 billion-dollar deficits (back in 1980s money) by 1988. And those deficits and the debt that piled up in the 1980s, dominated President George H.W. Bush’s presidency in the early 1990s and led to that recession, which cost President Bush reelection in 1992.

About Ederik Schneider

I’m a Liberal (or Classical Liberal, if you prefer) blogger, who specializes in the real liberalism, (as we call it) as well as Libertarians and libertarianism, for The New Democrat. But I also blog about Classic Hollywood, sports history, and from time to time, women’s fashion and lifestyle in general.
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