CPAC_ Rand Paul, Libertarians Rising

Source:Reason Magazine– U.S. Senator Rand Paul (Republican, Kentucky) speaking at CPAC 2013.

“The new GOP will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and personal sphere,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told a packed crowd at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Reason’s Matt Welch and Kennedy attended the first day of CPAC to take the temperature of the political organizers, media observers, and grassroot activists who are central to the Republican Party’s identity and political fortunes. What did they find? A movement that seems to gravitating to a baldly libertarian stance when it comes to everything from economics to social issues to foreign policy.”

From Reason Magazine

With Senator Rand Paul winning the CPAC 2013 straw poll, there’s a perfect example of why the Republican Party is not dead. And perhaps an example of why CPAC is what it stands for exactly: a Conservative Political Action Conference. Instead of the Confederate Political Action Conference, that only represents Southern and rural, populist, Neo-Confederate Republicans.

If you actually have people who truly believe in individual freedom and not just economic and religious freedom for Christians, but believe in personal freedom and things like privacy and its not the job of government to tell Americans how to live their lives, but to protect their freedom to be able to live their own lives, if you have a Conservative Libertarian winning the CPAC straw poll, that tells me at least as someone whose not a Conservative or a Republican, that there are plenty of actual Conservative Libertarians at this conference. And that Neoconservatives and the Christian-Right are losing influence in the Republican Party.

About Ederik Schneider

I’m a Liberal (or Classical Liberal, if you prefer) blogger, who specializes in the real liberalism, (as we call it) as well as Libertarians and libertarianism, for The New Democrat. But I also blog about Classic Hollywood, sports history, and from time to time, women’s fashion and lifestyle in general.
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