Reason Magazine: Nick Gillespie- Interviewing Bruce Majors: ‘LP Candidate Bruce Majors vs. D.C.’s One-Party System’

Source:FreeState Now

“There are a lot of people in D.C. who are Democrats who probably don’t really want to be,” says D.C’s Libertarian Party congressional candidate Bruce Majors, “but if you don’t vote in the primaries then your vote in the election doesn’t really count.”

Majors surprised many this election by receiving 6% of the vote against longtime congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, guaranteeing the Libertarian Party major party status in the nation’s capital.

Majors sat down with Reason TV’s Nick Gillespie to discuss the election, D.C. politics, and why hitting the major party threshold is important for libertarians.”

From Reason Magazine

Washington, DC is a one party city as I would call it, because the city of Washington is exactly that not a state at all the, but the United States Capital the Federal City and they are essentially a one-party city.

Philadelphia, New York City, Boston, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, and other big cities in the country, are one-party cities, because Democrats tend to live in urban areas and Republicans now tend to live small towns.

This doesn’t necessarily have to be because there are Washingtonians who tend to believe in economic freedom and like economic conservatism. Republicans for the most part haven’t figured out yet how to connect with big city Americans. And even when they run candidates in big cities, they’re either really boring and terrified of either losing their right-wing flanks, or Independent minded voters who don’t mind voting for Republicans who focus on economic policy, instead of culture war issues. Or they run Bible Belt Republicans in big cities and lose in landslides.

So if you are someone like a Bruce Majors who wants to get elected to office in a city like Washington, one of the biggest cities and metros in America that’s still growing, you are probably better off running as a Republican, at least short-term and just concentrating on economic issues and personal freedom issues. Because Washington has a lot of wealthy people and voters that don’t want to lose that economic freedom or love their personal freedom as well.

About Ederik Schneider

I’m a Liberal (or Classical Liberal, if you prefer) blogger, who specializes in the real liberalism, (as we call it) as well as Libertarians and libertarianism, for The New Democrat. But I also blog about Classic Hollywood, sports history, and from time to time, women’s fashion and lifestyle in general.
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