POLITICO: Jonathan Allen & Alex Eisenstadt- ‘Dennis Kucinich Loss is End of an Era’


Source:POLITICO– “Dennis Kucinich won his 1996 House race on a platform about electric-bill hikes.”

“Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s rise as a national political figure set up his fall in his new congressional district, where he suffered with Democratic voters in the hardscrabble turf along Lake Erie for a reputation built outside Ohio.

It’s a fitting end, at least for now, to a roller-coaster career. He’s lost before only to resurface with another act. And while Kucinich all but closed the door on running for a Washington state House seat on Wednesday — a prospect he had once raised — few believe he’s done in politics.”


If you are a fan of Dennis Kucinich or an admirer of him, then you may want to close your eyes as you read this post (if thats possible) because I’m about to lay out why I don’t like him.

Representative Dennis Kucinich who’s to the left (or as I would put it even the far-left) of Senator Bernie Sanders a self-described Democratic Socialist and the only self-described Socialist (democratic or otherwise) in the U.S. Congress today. Dennis Kucinich is not even a mainstream Democrat, at least in the Democratic Party. (Perhaps Green Party)

Senator Sanders is clearly a Big Government Socialist who believes that the Federal Government is way undersized. Senator Sanders is a responsible Democrat, who belieevs in governing, wheres Representative Kucinich basically represents all the negative stereotypes of the Democratic Party.

I knew that Representative Kucinich was at least one can short of a six pack when he tried to have President Clinton impeached, (of course with no success) over the War in Kosovo in 1999, not even Congressional Republicans were calling for that. When you hear terms like soft on crime, soft on defense, tax and spend, fiscally irresponsible, soft on Welfare, those terms exist and have held down the Democratic Party for over forty years now.

It wasn’t until the 1990s when Bill Clinton became President, that Democrats were able to put down some of these stereotypes because he was able to show America what progressivism actually is and not how its stereotyped.

Whereas Representative Kucinich who’s not even a Liberal or Progressive, but a Democratic Socialist, represents the negative stereotypes of American progressivism and liberalism.

I don’t even consider Dennis Kucinich a Democrat, but someone who uses that label to get reelected. And it finally caught up to him Tuesday night.

About Ederik Schneider

I’m a Liberal (or Classical Liberal, if you prefer) blogger, who specializes in the real liberalism, (as we call it) as well as Libertarians and libertarianism, for The New Democrat. But I also blog about Classic Hollywood, sports history, and from time to time, women’s fashion and lifestyle in general.
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